So you want to go on a DXpedition?

Posted: September 25, 2013 in Uncategorized
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Juba_2011 055

I’m often asked, how does one get invited to join a Dxpedition?  That’s a good question and one that I pondered myself for some time before I decided to mount my own Dxpedition.

When I was asking that question, I was given some good and some poor advice. I was told that I must send/receive CW at 40WPM. Well I can’t do that. I was told that I must win a major contest. Well, as much as I love DXing, I’m not one to operate continuously for 24-36 hrs at a stretch.  My QTH is not in any way competitive for contesting, so I’ve not tried.

The best way to get invited to join a Dxpedition is to conduct one’s self as a solid, mature and disciplined operator. It’s good to attend IDXC at Visalia or the Hamvention in Dayton and rub elbows with those in the Dxpeditioning circles. Let them know who you are and what you can do.

Some of the major DXpeditions are seeking fast rate or elite operators. DXpeditions to less rare locations are seeking collaborative team members who want to have fun and make thousands of contacts. This is probably the best place to start.

The Intrepid-DX Group believes in developing operators on DXpeditions. When possible, we welcome newer Dxpedition members and give them coaching and mentoring. We look for eager people who display great attitude along with aptitude. Stamina and perseverance are important. Dxpeditioning is not easy or for the timid. You often travel for 30 hours straight to get to your destination. Just when you feel like going to bed, you set up your antennas and stations. Then you operate for 4-6 hrs before you sleep. This is always the biggest challenge for me. Fortunately, upon arrival my adrenalin kicks in and I am so excited to get set up and on the air. There is always time for sleep later!

Dxpeditioning is expensive!  Each operator is always responsible for their travel to/from the destination. You are responsible for your boat passage or hotel/meals onsite. The donations that are made to the Dxpedition cover costs such as shipping equipment, paying customs fees and buying consumable items that must be replaced on each trip. DXpeditioners should expect to spend $5000 to $10,000 in total to fully participate in a Dxpedition.

One must also properly set their expectations. DXpeditions do not stay in luxury. Everything is done to keep the costs down. Team members must be prepared to do a myrad of tasks including carrying and loading items, refueling generators and sometimes cooking!

All in all, participating in DXpeditions is really fun and I highly recommend it. Probably the best part is the long term memories and friendships that you make on the various trips. DXpeditioners are special people and they thrive on the excitement and the chase.  Dxpeditioning has enhanced my life and I hope it enhances yours as well.

  1. Dwayne KD4POJ says:

    Thanks for the write up. I am sure that it will enlighten many of what it takes.



  2. John Parker KL2LR says:

    Nice information regarding how to join a DXpedition. I have been looking into joining one and have not been able to figure out how to accomplish that goal. It is as complicated as joining a secret society.

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